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19:19 17/01/2014

what do you guys think?

21:55 10/01/2014

With a positive RNS what potential SP do people think we're looking at here?!?

21:55 10/01/2014

With a positive RNS what potential SP do people think we're looking at here?!?

20:24 02/01/2014

What we looking at here?!!

Infinis & the other companies will eventually realize that their WT designs aren't ideal for cost vs performance.

They will be forced to invest in hurricane proof WTs like these...


Infinis have 40% of the market share in landfill bio gas & this is a substantial part off their total output.
Infinis runs Calvert landfill-gas plant set up by the very capable Clarke-Energy Ltd engineers. Future projects ?

The ipo money could be used to buy up small companies like Refood Ltd. (Recycle food into gas via anaerobic digestion - sewage too?)

Great potential here.

An On-shore WT costs less to maintain.
An Off-shore WT is subject to more corrosion & the cost is double.
Conclusion: Onshore is more economical
& needs less subsidy from gov ROCs.

16:19 07/12/2013

Centamin Egypt Limited (TSE:CEE) was upgraded by RBC Capital to an “outperform” rating in a research note issued on Friday, Dec 6.

17:12 05/12/2013

This VCT must be one of the all time poor performers, ever. They were bought by me at £1 per share, 15 years and 8 months ago.

After tax relief, dividend reinvestments and dividend payments, they have currently cost me 33.86 pence per share.
With the current bid price of 29.5 pence per share, I am still showing a loss of 12.88%, a sum of £864.41 on my original stake of £15000.

If I were to sell now I would receive about £5848 less dealing costs. My financial adviser in 1998 thought it was a good buy and that after 15 years I would sell for about £45000.

IMHO, VCT 's are 'rubbish' so steer well away from them.

I wonder how much money the managers of this VCT have made over 15 years? I bet they have made a profit at my expense.
