KBC I agree it's likely that Ndola will feed Kabwe (as well as the sable dumps) but come on lol GC import from all over Zambia and the DRC ...given bmrs plant at this point is smaller than sable ....it will be far from amazing it would be the norm
SP - they need to get Hunnan to sign up to something very soon I would think.
In the options they suggested the Ndola area was saturated, makes you wonder what now is happening there, hope its not going to drift the same way as Chingola.
It looks like the 2p bid is coming under pressure again...but who can afford to sell with these losses?
KBC, it's possible I suppose re. copper, but that it certainly not going to generate the cash needed. The transportation side of things is a little puzzling, but who knows what the dynamics are in terms of peripheral commercial relationships.
They could give them the go ahead on the copper only? Did you notice they are not putting a plant at Ndola (in the considered options). So are they going to allow them to transport hundreds of thousand of tons from c120miles away through Kabwe. Seems crazy. More realistically they will have to do their own DFS on the sable zinc local stock piles. That appears an option but again need more detail.
KBC, the 'go ahead' will be a long way off in my opinion, they are going to be asking for loads for information and plans (I would also be asking for some modelling evidence too). The cash situation is going to be a very difficult one for BMR to resolve, as I believe that most accept that the funding crisis can only be resolved once the full approval is signed off (despite us being told “MA has stated to me that there are many options of funding and when you have big assests everyone will want to lend you money†). So if they have to have the money in the bank (maybe 2 years production cash?) before approval, where is it going to come from?
Didn't see any DFS figures for the leachplant tailings, have they published that? I may of missed it? Will ZEMA?