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10:36 06/02/2014

Lol shady took those rose tinted glasses off a while back, some choose to keep them on, so they say anyway.

10:33 06/02/2014

do you remember MA told someone at the AGM 2 years ago they would not be producing/cash generating for 3 years and at best thats the way it is looking

10:32 06/02/2014

Razor, do you fancy having a stab at answering my question posed in my 9.38 post?

10:31 06/02/2014

The problem is KBC, is that the cheerleading gang are all impressed with the glossy looking EIS without wanting to recognise its limitations....nor do they understand the process through which ZEMA will ask for evidence, information, and clarification...which can be a very long process as you know.

10:30 06/02/2014

Of course I do and would assume they already have

10:28 06/02/2014

havent got a scooby what all that is about

10:27 06/02/2014

KBC, are these the same ZEMA employees who have access to the BMR 1p share options????

10:26 06/02/2014

Ultimately ZEMA are the "experts" razor, do you not expect them to ask questions, stipulate conditions?

10:24 06/02/2014

Guess we wait and see

10:23 06/02/2014

Interesting that the experts here disagree with the experts in Zambia as regards the content of the EIS
