Share Discussion Forum

11:32 06/02/2014

Create a little gravatar to spice up your posts. [link]

11:31 06/02/2014

Nice one Dan, easier to use.

11:29 06/02/2014

Vote messages up, down, reply individually. Lots of goodness. Including pagination (anthracis )

11:29 06/02/2014

or via any forum link.

11:29 06/02/2014

FYI guys, [link] accessible via the Forum... using the toggle in the top left corner

11:19 06/02/2014

You are not being sensible so shall leave you to it

11:03 06/02/2014

has been attacked and abused as a deramper...some of us didn't have to wait to be told by Masoud

11:02 06/02/2014

Oh Lordy! Razor, anyone who has suggested the strikingly obvious requirement for dilution hasbeen

11:01 06/02/2014

If MA says expect it you have to expect it ....previously MA stated no dilution ..but that was a year earlier and he kept his word didn't he

11:01 06/02/2014

No just answering "only you and ZEMA know" raz
