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MA I have been building for 3 years...and I am very enthusiastic...but it is a big ballsy gamble
The Beatles first recording when they had been teenagers was better quality. Best Doji
Landau was never deluded, they guy stated it was a trade....he took on Al-Shabaab and got the SP to 24pennies, like I say he said it was a trade, but the rampers told tales of buying a Porche and also had been forgiven by the BB spelling and grammar police for spelling it porch.....lol, rampers eh. Best Doji
SP will no doubt open down, maybe "Gap Down" on volume. What ever way you look at this it's not good....Best Doji
The CON call is now over, chaos looms....Best Doji
scotch your lucky to have the funds to buy large amounts at these levels. Good to see an investor not bashing but getting a good price. proves that bashers need a life. GL