celtic is a shame you don't try practicing them predictions, maybe you could start by stating what day it was yesterday, yesterdays weather, then move on to Tai Chi, bingo dabbers......Best Doji
Chart, 4hr chart ParabSAR - bearish…..20ma 50ma crossover imminent, currently SP sitting below both again bearish…….momentum down, 0.00 breached. The Daily chart looking weak SP just sitting below 20ma…..this so called support @ 1.25 is becoming resistance which has been building. Best Doji
Conf Call will be an intro....current status.....if have any question please contact our Pl dept, erm sorry! our PR dept.... Best Doji
It will morph...as for the brain food, cannibalism is on the menu they will eat there young if they disagree....the lunatics have now taken over the asylum. Best Doji
WorldofLost Socks seems to have lost it's mojo, think this is contagious and is now air born as it travels through cyber space I will morph, breed and create smaller islands which will soon run out of brain food....Best Doji
1.25 will become the ceiling, no sign of TexazzZZzz, RBL and PL shifted his feet, the PL shuffle. Best Doji
ps we weren't even given twelve months and we are still here