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08:18 07/02/2014

So RIG never got one question answered eh....Best Doji

08:06 07/02/2014

Welcome to the new Camkids Group stream forum! Messages posted in the Camkids Group stream will be logged here for posterity.

08:01 07/02/2014

Welcome to the new Wasabi Energy stream forum! Messages posted in the Wasabi Energy stream will be logged here for posterity.

08:00 07/02/2014

Welcome to the new Tri-star Resources stream forum! Messages posted in the Tri-star Resources stream will be logged here for posterity.

07:41 07/02/2014

My thoughts are I should not of sold

23:47 06/02/2014

Sub 1pennie.....Best Doji

23:44 06/02/2014

MA I have been building for 3 years...and I am very enthusiastic...but it is a big ballsy gamble

23:35 06/02/2014

The Beatles first recording when they had been teenagers was better quality. Best Doji

23:24 06/02/2014

Landau was never deluded, they guy stated it was a trade....he took on Al-Shabaab and got the SP to 24pennies, like I say he said it was a trade, but the rampers told tales of buying a Porche and also had been forgiven by the BB spelling and grammar police for spelling it, rampers eh. Best Doji

22:46 06/02/2014

SP will no doubt open down, maybe "Gap Down" on volume. What ever way you look at this it's not good....Best Doji
