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16:12 07/02/2014

lets get things out in the open about why you are so desperate to talk about what I have done or said in the past?

16:12 07/02/2014

If that was in any way true, I would regret it...but it's not, it's just one of your fantasies. A bit like your fantasy about Masoud 'sitting on a pile of RNSs waiting for the market conditions to improve before release'

16:12 07/02/2014

I am in London 5 days a week and can meet up anywhere you require

16:11 07/02/2014

Dan please have a word with Shady.

16:11 07/02/2014

you seem so interested in me shady. Would you care to meet up?

16:11 07/02/2014

do you regret using 3 id's on iii for financial gain?

16:11 07/02/2014

or do you now think that they were sensible and well informed?

16:10 07/02/2014

Why did Glencore just say no way do we want this company to start lead processing on my door step

16:10 07/02/2014

ljc, do you regret attacking and ridiculing any PI who decided to sell int he 8s,7s,6s,5s,4s,and 3s?

16:10 07/02/2014

so bitter
