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16:29 07/02/2014

yes exactly

16:29 07/02/2014

ljc yes its the people's project.Much needed jobs for Kabwe people and a clean up of the area

16:28 07/02/2014

MA it will cause carnage if not approved

16:28 07/02/2014

The word is if the EIS is not approved there will be riots on the streets as the project is know as the peoples project. Also the President will sack the Director General if he fails to approve. The environment side of the process is tight as a flys backside

16:26 07/02/2014


16:26 07/02/2014

kangeroos is this?

16:26 07/02/2014

Participating and/or watching?

16:26 07/02/2014

hope so. sooner the better

16:26 07/02/2014

Love boxing

16:25 07/02/2014

Anthracis i will leave this one for you. BMR submitted there EIS a number of days ago. The EIS was uploaded on the ZEMA website instantly. This tells you that ZEMA are happy and are pressing ahead at turbo speed.
