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16:33 07/02/2014

Coming from you that rich shady...

16:32 07/02/2014

Yes, I remember the IP based in Exeter or somewhere you posted about me. You quite fancy yourself as a schoolyard bully I suspect

16:32 07/02/2014

whats with the boxing questions? You sizing me up for a fight hahaha

16:31 07/02/2014

some people are rather careless with their online footprints

16:31 07/02/2014

Have loads more details about others I could post if I wanted....

16:31 07/02/2014

I think he was a postie

16:30 07/02/2014

sounds like they might be in something of a hurry afterall then. so much the better

16:30 07/02/2014

No regrets mate

16:30 07/02/2014

ljc, do you regret the bullying of that welsh fella, posting up all his personal details, workplace, facebook, photos of him and his wife? Was it 'welshgoat' or something like that? It was really vicious stuff as an outside looking might regret it now, I don't know

16:30 07/02/2014

I'm off it's nearly 4.30pm. lol
