Share Discussion Forum

15:13 13/02/2014

This share is way over inflated.

15:11 13/02/2014

must be time to buy some more then

14:23 13/02/2014

Re Bad Bod,. Why ? cause if you look back at the history of the company they were all conned into buyin in to Inata, the previous ceo cut an run and sold his at over £2, knowing full well the resources had been overstated ,as well as the geological conditions,

14:22 13/02/2014

Over the years, we have always been told about the IIs that none of us are aware of. Can anyone tell me who the IIs are that are over the threshold? Or even, who are the IIs who are reportedly lurking just under the threshold?

13:04 13/02/2014

apologies for the repeat posts..

13:03 13/02/2014

I have 130,000 shares that I bought (then 1.3 million) at 1p (hence 10p), but what do you do at this stage? Take a heavy loss or ride with it with a potential gain a long way down the line or throw in the cards and 'take it like a man'..?

13:02 13/02/2014

I think that you will find that many of the LC airlines have a high turnover of flight crews. They will also employ as pilots personnel who have significantly lower hours than is the norm in the 'Big Name Carriers'. But that is another component of the low-cost model.

13:01 13/02/2014

I think that you will find that many of the LC airlines have a high turnover of flight crews. They will also employ as pilots personnel who have significantly lower hours than is the norm in the 'Big Name Carriers'. But that is another component of the low-cost model.

12:59 13/02/2014

This is really the doom and gloom board!

12:36 13/02/2014

21,800 @ 32.4 / 43,200 @ 34.2 / 32000 @ 38.8 lets get to the 50p please
