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17:25 13/02/2014

Welcome to the new Oxford BioMedica stream forum! Messages posted in the Oxford BioMedica stream will be logged here for posterity.

17:22 13/02/2014

long live tony hayward and what a great job he,s done on bp long live tony

17:15 13/02/2014

hmmm, I do wonder about the statement Buchanan released. When you think that over on worldoflostsocks this share had indeed been ramped by a poster who supposedly had a handle on things when compared to the odd poster who warned of such posters then this statement is definitely is food for thought. Even other BB's had certain poster that claimed to have had positive feedback from within RRL ranks. So what is deemed "manipulation", is it replies to PI's from RRL staff?, posters claiming to have the ear of PL..?, or is it posters who did not believe the constant BS from both PL and a posters source...with that in mind this statement says a lot. Best Doji

17:12 13/02/2014

got to hope for bp share crash and it to plummet lets hope

17:09 13/02/2014

mog get in there total greed by this company greeed

17:09 13/02/2014

Zambezi Resources are the ones that said Chingola tailings were not financially viable, good old MA thought differently. Look at them copper mine! The usual suspects tried to say their decision was flawed and they had financial problems. They are looking pretty good now I see.

17:00 13/02/2014

LKH , they are greedy self centred Yanks, nothing will change them , they use mickey mouse money that's printed t pay there debts. But as the Germans have found, will not ,cannot, pay their debts with anything else. An if an yer disagree yer git bombed !!!

16:59 13/02/2014

RIG kicked in the long grass eh......Best Doji

16:47 13/02/2014

mmmmm foood

16:36 13/02/2014

Welcome to the new African Barrick Gold stream forum! Messages posted in the African Barrick Gold stream will be logged here for posterity.
