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19:47 13/02/2014
19:46 13/02/2014

Welcome to the new Greenko stream forum! Messages posted in the Greenko stream will be logged here for posterity.

19:46 13/02/2014

Did a bit of a google search came up with the indian government showing signs of commitment and increased funding in the renewables industry as well as banks not lending to coal powered industries.

19:05 13/02/2014

So typical of, an official statement sent via unofficial comms good does that look eh, lol, you could not make this up, lol. Best Doji

17:56 13/02/2014

RIG what do you think of that statement, I am of course referring to the use of the English Best Doji

17:52 13/02/2014

Will there be redundancies at RIG....? Best Doji

17:50 13/02/2014

So nothing had changed today apart from a statement clarifying future STANDARD methods of comms that have to be conducted accordance to the RULES that are clearly set out. So the ramping can stop I have not read a post that had supposedly been a reply from within RRL that ever had a hint of de-ramping about it...... Best Doji

17:49 13/02/2014

straight back down to xero

17:34 13/02/2014

I like this bit....caps 'n all, lol, "AS AND WHEN NECESSARY as determined by the Board ".....Best Doji

17:29 13/02/2014

Hey SOTO, look like you'll have to lay off some Best Doji
