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Did a bit of a google search came up with the indian government showing signs of commitment and increased funding in the renewables industry as well as banks not lending to coal powered industries.
So typical of RRL...lol, an official statement sent via unofficial comms channel...how good does that look eh, lol, you could not make this up, lol. Best Doji
RIG what do you think of that statement, I am of course referring to the use of the English language......lol. Best Doji
Will there be redundancies at RIG....? Best Doji
So nothing had changed today apart from a statement clarifying future STANDARD methods of comms that have to be conducted accordance to the RULES that are clearly set out. So the ramping can stop now..as I have not read a post that had supposedly been a reply from within RRL that ever had a hint of de-ramping about it...... Best Doji
I like this bit....caps 'n all, lol, "AS AND WHEN NECESSARY as determined by the Board ".....Best Doji
Hey SOTO, look like you'll have to lay off some admin...lol. Best Doji