what was close sp? google says 38 so does hl. Yahoo said 39
I really don't think PI's on LSE chat or iii BB know that the SP close down...talk about having blinkers on! Best Doji
should have read " If anything had been manipulated it had been todays action"....Best Doji
Cymru, yes unfortunately I think the SP will go sub 1pennie. I any had been manipulated it had been todays action....Best Doji
Cymru, nothing had changed, tbh the bounce was inevitable, lots of "longs" being closed. Best Doji
There is going to be a lot of PI's bewildered at the open, SP will open down. Dead cat bounce. Best Doji
Director buys, well as far as the market is concerned I really would not put too much envisage on director buys. As for "imminent" news, well id this is a "closed period" then it one of the longest I have seen for a while.. I really don't think it is a closed period as RRL had released news in the wild regarding TexazzZZzz and other matters of interest, in fact It doesn't even warrant a east enders drum roll....no cliff hangers here atm, just clangers, lol. Best Doji
Hi, i'm a new to investing, been invested for around 6 months now Royal mail got the ball rolling for me. Made a few bad buys but mostly good up 5.5% on everything i have sold since october 2012 and up 15% on the ones i have still. I bought in at 97p on this one got itchy feet when it went below 70p but after reading your posts i kept my nerve and i see this one as a long term hold. i guess you guys have a wealth of experience in the stock market and at the age of 21 i have a lot to learn so keep the good lessons coming. I'm taking notes ha
Hi, i'm a new to investing, been invested for around 6 months now Royal mail got the ball rolling for me. Made a few bad buys but mostly good up 5.5% on everything i have sold since october 2012 and up 15% on the ones i have still. I bought in at 97p on this one got itchy feet when it went below 70p but after reading your posts i kept my nerve and i see this one as a long term hold. i guess you guys have a wealth of experience in the stock market and at the age of 21 i have a lot to learn so keep the good lessons coming. I'm taking notes ah
and yes a good long term bet finbarr. but it seems to be on the right track and continued support from the government