guys...if youre not in already...get into TLDH before certain rise DYOR
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guys...if youre not in already...get into TLDH before certain rise DYOR
When I bought my 2,100,000 at 0.07 and 0.08 in mid-January, I was looking at off-loading at 0.14ish in February and would been happy. Now I think I’m just gonna hold until it reaches 0.25. From my readings I reckon the potential is there to go higher but I’m always happy with a moderate gain rather than pushing my luck to hard.
FFS - how much lower is this going to go before we get an RNS that doesn't make my heart sink....
Welcome to the new Pathfinder Minerals stream forum! Messages posted in the Pathfinder Minerals stream will be logged here for posterity.
just need to bhreak the 40p barrier then push on. This is good for 50-75p
two weeks later after Tanzanian conference that was meant to say
I find it almost hard to comprehend that we have a situation here where the BoD authorise a raising of capital at far from favourable terms and two weeks later the shareholders of this company are still in the dark over why????????? Its about damn time that the BoD explain their actions and also understand very quickly that they have a legal responsibility to do so