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21:19 16/02/2014

Thanks multibagger I plan too I lost 50k on bloody horses and new to this to get it back. If there are any other you recommend let me know, ive got 30k spare to invest again put 38k in Quindell. I actually live in Portsmouth where Quindell is and know one talks about it here

20:39 16/02/2014

Thanks Multibagger I left this one too late as bought in at 38p when I should have got in at 20p when I was watching. This looks the best opportunity out there at the moment

20:36 16/02/2014

why are there more sells and buys as looks a great investment

20:31 16/02/2014

what sort of rise can we expect? Im toying if to top up at these levels

20:28 16/02/2014

I keep hearing retrace? what could this go back too

20:26 16/02/2014

ha ha yeah im looking for investments for the long term im new to this and just took out my gold so learnt a lesson I would like steady growth over a 3 year cycle

20:21 16/02/2014

is this the best value for money stock in aim? Heard TLGH gonna take off

20:20 16/02/2014

Any ideas of target price???

19:55 16/02/2014

Im looking at this and tldh, what are ideas of target price?

19:47 16/02/2014

