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22:10 16/02/2014

Oh yes Chris lets see if it hits £1 were all be happy

22:02 16/02/2014

any views on target price

22:01 16/02/2014

im looking to get in? when would you move?

21:58 16/02/2014

meant 100,000 shares not 100k ha ha

21:57 16/02/2014

ill add it on portfolio as soon as it goes up. was told tldh too? ive got 100.000 in quindell so im hoping for good things even at 38p a good price I think

21:45 16/02/2014

I thought there was nothing going on for 6 months. 30p a gd price or will it spike up soon

21:44 16/02/2014

ive got a stokebroker who said quindell, coms, tower resources and tldh are the 4 to be in but its all opinions I guess. I know very little I sell photocopiers ha ha

21:33 16/02/2014

im new I bought a few at 10.5p please advise on sp target price end of year and if ts time to top up? TLDH also had rave reviews?

21:29 16/02/2014

When Tower was mentioned fogl was too when is best time to get in there?

21:29 16/02/2014

TLGH was recommended to maybe hit 75p +? Im in Tower Resoucres and a small stake in Coms. Wish I put it all in Quindell at 20p when I first looked but you want to see progression I guess
