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12:58 17/02/2014

mine on there 8.28

12:47 17/02/2014

Can we do a Quindell, got in Quindell too late at 38p but in here at 15.65p

12:45 17/02/2014

How are people viewing this in the medium to long term. Would you advise to sell if we get to the 75 - 100p mark, or do you think hang in there for greater gains dowm the road? Nwebie investor here trying to raise funds to re invest and hopefully build myself a decent sized pot. Just wondering how to play this. Cheers!

12:29 17/02/2014

Welcome to the new Sainsbury (J) stream forum! Messages posted in the Sainsbury (J) stream will be logged here for posterity.

12:26 17/02/2014

sp will be 14p 2morrow

12:25 17/02/2014

Welcome to the new Tertiary Minerals stream forum! Messages posted in the Tertiary Minerals stream will be logged here for posterity.

12:19 17/02/2014

sorry make that if they go up 250%, then I will be back to where I started. I have just bought some more, so they will probably go down now

11:52 17/02/2014

I bought at 60p will this ever return to this?

11:51 17/02/2014

Where do you think this can get to short term and long term?

11:49 17/02/2014

What do you think this will hit prior to results?
