ghostieboy i belive in fastjet to turn this round and they will at lest we have not killed ten guys working for us and had the worlds biggest spill then go in to the yank courts crying we have done no wrong i hope bp get cained for evey sent and more but fastjet will come good mate watch and learn
The chart is looking like a bear with no fur....very bearish indeed. Best Doji
Generally a better day for my shares; apart from Sefton. My stake in Sefton hardly worth selling. Sefton has turned thousands into a few hundred, I agree with Buller, it would be nice if the remaining BOD informed us private investors, after all the BOD is presumably paying themselves.
I see they had been some handbags getting swung about on the BB's, after a quiet start as well. Maybe it's best if the rabid ramper's look away instead of frothing at the mouth. they only have themselves to blame. The SP will open down as more and more stop loses on them "longs" are triggered..! Best Doji
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Interesting take on an investment from some here! Mines generally don't make money until they produce something, to produce something you have to build a mine - that costs a lot of money. The idea is it costs less than the money earnt (With an industry accepted payback period of 3 years. This mine ticks all the boxes, so for someone to suggest that the shareprice as peaked barely before a shovel is stuck into the ground is laughable!