Welcome to the new EasyJet stream forum! Messages posted in the EasyJet stream will be logged here for posterity.
It ain't over till' the bald man sells, love that.
Welcome to the new Rolls-Royce Group stream forum! Messages posted in the Rolls-Royce Group stream will be logged here for posterity.
come on guys sell some of your shares and buy in to fastjet going places get a lot of shares for your money come and jump on board
get some of your cash in fastjet next big thing come and join us
Let us not rush to think the worst, it is a Public Company the price is what it is as you say Kenstaff the new valuation is a just a few sleeps away.
sorry guys later in the month of may its monday Wednesday friday still looks very good
the new flights to lusaka are on sale on fastjet web page tuesday then later on in may monday Wednesday saturday this looks very good indeed now great stuff
IPCM deal....letter to shareholders....admittedly this could be a different deal....can anyone find out the veracity of the information? We seek safe harbour
Dear Shareholders and Colleagues,
A little after 11.11 a.m. this morning, when I read an email received at that time, we became aware of the announcement put out by Kansai Mining Corporation in Canada. So we knew only a little before you did. This seems an excellent transaction, and we hope it succeeds.
We knew of the possibility, and had meetings and discussions a few months ago with Kansai and the acquirer, even in relation to the specific terms, and we are of course in touch with Kansai on a near-daily basis, but we were not aware that matters between Kansai and the buyer had progressed so well and so far. We suspected that the deal might not proceed. We were wrong.
We understand that the principal interest of the acquirer group is in the Venezuelan diamonds, and in Bruce Walsham’s skills as a project finder. They have known each other for some time.
For us the attraction of this deal is that (a) we retain our JV and earn-in with Kansai unaffected, (b) we dispose of a peripheral asset for a large short-term gain, (c) we get funds to finance our exploration and development, and (d) we gain a financially strong new partner.
I am not sure this is a tribute to our skill, unless in investing in Kansai at a very low entry point. It is not, as some have suggested, a tribute to our cunning that we are bringing out this news at short notice on a Friday afternoon. No! Sometimes one just gets lucky.
Andrew Bell
Red Rock Resources plc
115 Eastbourne Mews
London W2 6LQ