There should be someone who is is selling these as well; who is reducing the stake
please tell me this christmas is going to be different tony! gobble gobble gobble..
barryroe is a dead duck. he just hasn't had the curtesy to tell us why. whatever he says is balony. only reason druid is in the running and has any credability is because of schulembeger. i cannot believe there aren't people out there with money who wouldn't develop barryroe if there was nothing wrong with it. again he is filling the turkeys full of stuffing even before they have been cooked.
Agree totally with your comments. Hopefully Will Get a Deal on Barryroe. Think Pat Plunkett nomination is Good news. So fingers crossed. Has Been a terrible couple of years and TOR has proved to be a Good fundraiser but Little more to date. Finally I Am delighted to See your coments on Jimmy (paÃd basher). Seems Like a smart Guy but it is Very annoying to See his non stop Providence Bashing. He has no shares in the company as he admittted but spends a huge amount of time bad mouthing Providence. It is natural to comment and be critical. But his constant effort to Present Providence in a bad light is Very suspicuous.
Here is a new link to remind us once again of what we actually have. Sounds good to me[link]
Yes. And it hardly matters. If we hit pay dirt the deposit won't matter. If we don't then we are screwed anyway. So it hardly matters either way. So yes not sure what point is. Hope druid comes good.
Does nobody find it Strange that Jimmy gets up early on a Sunday Morning to once again post a negative comment on Providence and anything it is involved it. Jimmy has no shares in the company as he has admitted so why is he bad mouthing the Company This early on a Sunday Morning. He seems to Have An axe to grind. Wonder what his story is.