Well most of the time he is answering questions that have been asked directly to him
I read earlier he is more brutal on Barryroe once oil market start crashing, is he negative from day one or using the opportunity?
He is most destructive to this stock, if he doesnt have any stock what is making him to spend so much time and energy on this stock. This puzzle cant be breaken easily unless he reveals his true intentions. No doubt he worked for oil companies and has technical knowledge. How does he commenting, who has provided him technical info? Has he attended data room? Who has all these answers.
Hi Breezy, I think you'll be fine with SXX over the long term - 5 to 10 years, but they'll be very volatile over the next few years. I wouldn't be surprised if a big Chinese Investor tries to buy them before they get the product to market and the company is cheaper. Once they start mining and the revenue comes in the share price will be many multiples of what it is now. If I can re-coup my BHR losses with JLP in the next year or so then I'll buy some SXX to hold for the longer term. RKH down on what I paid and AFC up a little but generally I'm OK. Don't know anything about UJO but wish you well. Let's hope for a positive webcast and hope we get some solid answers to our questions. All the best, idg69
Hi idg69 We could get news in the morning but i doubt it. We can dream about millionaires next year and some say dreams come true lets hope so.I bought some SXX at 19.75 but i have bought them for the long term and now they are fully funded. I bought shares in UJO Union Jack as they have no debt and have two million in the bank and i think they will do very well.Lets hope our patience pays off and at least we recoup our BHR losses. All the best my friend.te
Nothing leaking about the pre-Christmas deal on BROE?
Hi Breezy, last day for some good news before tomorrows webcast - I don't think it's coming my friend. Let's see what they have to say and sit tight until the new year. The markets are very volatile at the moment, look at SXX down from a high of 52p to 18p today - did you buy any? It'll be 5 years before they have any revenue and as we know a lot can happen in that time. Keep yer chin up and be patient - this time next year we'll be millionaires!
I am confidence that John Sullivan would know all about compartmentalisation.
Yourjack, that was probably why it slipped yesterday. USD 57 mln is not that much in the big picture. No idea if seizing Ferro would be remotely possible--I guess anyting is possible in Ukraine, but that seems like a stretch.
Over the the last placement price, that's a first. How depressing. Let's see if we can kick off from here.