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460000 shares at 12p a share, isn't exactly ground breaking stuff
Well, well, well! Looks like a wee rise is on the horizon - would certainly make me feel a little more perky this side of Christmas. What we need is a few solid RNS's issued at timely intervals to keep a nice upward trajectory going into 2017. Does anyone else think that JLP are the contractor that Lonmin are going to use for their BTT project? That could be another game changer alongside Hernic - we could be a mid-cap sooner than we all thought.
to philip reid for a person who would appear to have every thing wealth wise plus a1 personality why in gods name would you give your self the wasp bite and the frustration of having shares in such a miserable company and have to suffer the arrogance of a dont care for shareholder board of director
When oh when are we going to break above 12p and stay above it? I'm sure the tax credit are worth more than 12p alone. It's as if investors are fully dicounting the cash on hand, as there is a plan to spend it, or in their view waste it.
All these recent developments with FXPO make me feel that we are standing on the verge of new shocks. In late October the largest minoritary sells all his shares. At the beginning of November majority stakeholder leaves the company`s supervisory board. After that the company decides to make another bond offering. This month the paper`s dynamics will be very volatile.
Eagle your posts would mean more if you had a holding. Peeps don't normally post on those the've offloaded.
Guys, do you have any thoughts on oil? What with the OPEC recent agreement? It is expected that oil stocks will rise for the next few weeks. Thus, many people will be selling other stocks (including iron ore) creating downward pressure on their share prices….just to bail into oil stocks....I anticipate decline on the next week. What do you think??
Don't have any problems with the webcast. Accept they can't give away price sensitive information which does question why they do the webcasts but you do gleam a little from them. I'm happy to see this through in to 2017 and beyond. They have cash in the bank, a solid strategy, made great progress in building 2 plants this year alone, and some serious revenue coming on stream in the next 3-4 months - what's not to like. For anyone buying in now they should do really well. We've had to wait 12-18 months but so be it. People expect too much.
He has probably shorted it and is making a mint.