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11:27 08/12/2016

Welcome to the new Greencore stream forum! Messages posted in the Greencore stream will be logged here for posterity.

19:11 07/12/2016

Only Brussels sprouts for me thanks. Har har.

15:35 07/12/2016

Have the leaks started?

best design and features of later models (6)

Which is Apple's best iPhone model?

Will SOLG breach 30p by Christmas 2016?

11:53 07/12/2016

Wonder if we will breach this before Christmas?!

11:52 07/12/2016

We're hoping to get the share price data back online ASAP!

11:44 07/12/2016

You can enjoy live streaming Apple Inc discussion here, in real time, or discuss in more detail on our Apple discussion forum.

11:36 07/12/2016

Welcome to the Apple discussion stream!
