Share Discussion Forum

14:28 18/01/2017

Market view when TOR opens mouth share price falls. Lack of trust on him as he mislead in numerous times.

12:36 18/01/2017

I think we can safely say recent SP rise was driiven by Davy report, subsequent articles, and rumours - will it hold up until Druid drill excitment starts?

10:03 18/01/2017

No activity in the market these past few days, Lets hope all the eggs are set for Daddy & Co and we have a Deal to announce on something to get SP moving

21:51 17/01/2017

Exactly! @ desperate

21:34 17/01/2017

Anyone who refers to "the fickle farmout market" in an interview on the 17th of January sure as h.ll does not have a farmout in their back pocket!

20:06 17/01/2017

A pat on the back!.... a kick up the hole is what this guy needs.....

20:00 17/01/2017

same b.s, he takes a yearly 500k id rather give him the pat on his back instead for all the work done so far. Zero farm outs, plenty of false dawns, dilution and share price destruction

19:58 17/01/2017
18:16 17/01/2017

As Brexit looms large for Ireland, I am sure that every cabinet minister in Ireland is acutely aware of Providence Resources as a major new tax stream if things work out in Druid

12:17 17/01/2017

looks like shareholders are safe...phem that was a close call - now for a major rghts issue that will go very very well. imho
