If This is correct expect an announcement on Final Barryroe Deal Soon enough as the New owner of these LOGP shares Will have to make a declaration. We shall soon see !!!
Spoke With another investor ( My Dad) Who reckons Sea Energy receiver Is offloading all sea energy shares circa 30m. Obviously An agreed buyer. Thus If LOGP is to be taken over prior to Barryrore Farm or as part of Deal it Would be preferible To Have The issue of the Sea Energy shares cleaned up in order to make Any Future Deal On Barryroe easier to conclude.
Repeating what I said earlier, expect To See LOGP taken over And a Deal on Barryroe concluded shortly.
Ah ah, I'm not that good - I bought into a coal mine in Mozambique 150 miles from the nearest port with no trains to even get the coal there - that's not what I call good investing! I should have had my bumps feeling going in to that shocker - we live and learn. I still think AFC are a good long term play but better buying in at 10-12p rather than 20-25p. Keep smiling! idg69
Hi idg69 It sounds like you are getting good at this investing lark if i remember right you sold UBI before they crashed and now AFC. I was thinking about buying some AFC a couple of weeks ago thank god i did not press that buy button. All the best breezy.af
6 months from now we will all either be in the black/rich or busted. i wish i knew which one it is going to be
Am I glad I sold AFC at 22.5p before Christmas - down 25% today on news of a big placing at 10p. Didn't see that one coming, 12p today, if it drops to 10p when the placing goes through I might just buy back in. That was a real stroke of luck for me.
I am expecting the interims in 5 weeks time and the interim LONO report in 5-8 weeks time.