I am expecting the interims in 5 weeks time and the interim LONO report in 5-8 weeks time.
Believe Landsdowne Will be bought Out as part if forthcomming Barryroe farmout. Maybe a reverse takeover of Landsdowne And thereafter a deal on Exola With i.e leaving Providence with 30/40% of Barryroe after appraisal and a full carry
I've been here before am I the only getting déjà vu. Believe when I see it... This has been hyped before and guess what happened NOTHING
Sean - why is the buy/sell spread not widening? Why is the SP not moving ahead with all this activity?
Good morning Breezy, Have been away on business a few days which is always good for me as it keeps me from watching the share price too closely. I'm getting inspiration from SOLG at the moment 1.9p to nudging 40p in exactly 12 months - it would be quite something if JLP could pull off even half that. Our problem will be when to cash out once the rise starts in earnest - will be a nice problem to have though. When the car industry really goes down the hydrogen fuel cell route (which it will) the demand for platinum will be very high. We just need to start producing some of the stuff now! All the best to you too. idg69
Bad news about barryroe before spud of druid will weaken the price. It would just then become option on druid which is high risk. Since TOR has options on price and really no long term stake in the company I can't imagine that there is a deal on the table and he is not taking it up . Any deal would get share price closer to his exercise price and then promise of druid would take it further. So I don't believe a deal is anywhere close. And agree with Jennings in suggesting TOR has created a false market for PVR shared.
Agreed sully. If they can't farmout barryroe so close to shore in shallow water then what chance have they farming out druid
The downside is you failed drill and failed farmout and investment goes to zero. That looks like a downside to me senn1965
The directors have lost money investing shareholder funds in other plc's. They have now raised new capital and are investing in other plc's, An investor, could invest directly in these other plc's without having to pay the administrative costs of an AIM company to do so, it would only be worthwhile if the directors of Pires were so gifted in their investment abilities that they could make extraordinary gains. Unfortunately, such abi,lity is very uncommon, and from their track record most unlikely. AT 1p these shares are a buy.