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14:18 16/02/2017

Hargreave Hale reduced stake by 0.5% they made 50% profit since placement

19:52 15/02/2017

There is a strong chance the cuts are a ruse by the arabs to suck the shalers back into the game. Once they are all back up and running OPEC will flood the market again driving prices down and putting the shalers back out of business. Then cut again/flood again and repeat for a few cycles until shalers' banks will no longer deal and shalers are permanently bust. Conclusion: sinusoidal oil price cycles coming up over the next 3 - 4 yrs. Could TLW be caught out? Possibly, if refinancing/production targets/unforeseen issues coalesce at the bottom of the price cycle but if they can get the refi done, production stabilizes and no unknown, unknowns in between times then I’d suggest TLW look good for the long game player.

18:57 15/02/2017

He has plenty of options so as long as they are above water a sale is worth a lot of money to him.

17:04 15/02/2017

Can someone please explain to me why TOR would sell Providence when he has no shares ? In it

17:00 15/02/2017

Another day with lot of volumes on both logp and pvr traded today.

16:15 15/02/2017

6p - 10p a share for 20% BROE does not put a huge value on PVRs 80%!

15:21 15/02/2017

[link] if only this was true

15:17 15/02/2017

Hope your right Senn1965 , just purchased a few now

12:57 15/02/2017

Lansdowne Oil & Gas Plc Vol / 13.54M

12:55 15/02/2017