An interesting start to the week. Unsure as to what is causing the increased volume but not complaining whilst it's heading in the right direction. Come on JLP do your stuff!
I been told he writes on another oiler whose directors havent bought any stock for few years when price decimated; but there he is bullish and doesnt comment much on directors. Is this puzzle quite tough to understand?
The market on past 3 years is doldrums and resulted him to be correct. Say he is correct, but am quite keen to know his eagerness on providence while holding no stock; he could have given his valuable inputs on many other oilers on lse but not. You can guess what this person is upto.
But is jimmy right or not.. People here need to stop fantasizing and actually look at the facts and unfortunately Jimmy has been nothing but right so far some one please prove him wrong with facts not dreams
Oh man .. he is back with his old battering. This he has posted for umpteen times who is behind this man. All they are doing to knock the deal off ...
Senn you should join the circus as a clown you don't have a clue
i trust aminex will not follow solo into the market to raise further funds to progress the new well exployation
97% decline is made significantly worse by dilution as it means it is NEVER recoverable
Oh dear! Investors Chronicle don't seem to rate this offer of 1 for 15. I wonder what they know that we don't.