idg69 Yes would be good to meet up for a beer when we cash out. If it gets to 20-25p i will be tempted to sell. All the best breezy.
Google showing 91m shares traded today so far - wow! Looks like we are holding up nicely for a 6.5 - 7p finish. This bodes well for the next leg up and over 10p.
If an offer had been made to buy the company then the exchange would have been told. So no offer to buy PVR has ever been made. Unless aim rules are different?
news coming soon at CLP 14% up within 2 hr
news coming soon at CLP 14% up within 2 hr
news coming soon at CLP 14% up within 2 hrs
hernic platinum news could come next week. buy and hold/ look at the chart
Hi Breezy, I agree, the mining license from a 10p base would have been better but the main thing is that they've got it. I suspect a lot of day traders will jump on board so I expect quite a bit of volatility over the coming days before it settles in to a trading pattern. The further from 2.9p this travels, the happier I will be. Happy days indeed. You and I should meet for a beer when we eventually cash out - and I'm buying! All the best idg69