Nobody got any comment on the fact 5m shares have traded and SP is flat at best?
kalan is trader, will be positive in his post when he is in. will be negative when he is out ...
What I find strange here is that BLVN reportedly have $97 in cash left, VOG market Cap is about $80 so why didn't BLVN just buy VOG? they could have got it for $60 before rumours pushed the share price up 20% last couple of weeks.
Interestingly if you look at this link you can see why COC are unhappy. [link]
We will find out how the market view the deal at the end of the day, depending on increase/decrease on either company is usually a good indication on how the deal is viewed.
I am unsure to the real benefits of the deal, it looks better for BLVN. We have a current capacity for 20mmscf, we currenty only have a market for 17mmscf, so we currently cant sell all our own gas. We have just paid a fortune to drill 2 further wells to increase our capacity by another 20mmscf. Why do we now want to pay BLVN for more gas when we cant sell the gas we currently have.
For Stevie the company need to be alive so he can keep drawing his salary.
Hi Spuddy, you are optimistic, steve Boldy of logp will be very happy as the funds got raised and his salary is intact; how many ceo's like him on earth can draw salaries doing nothing tell me. Oh i love to be in his place its a dream.
Morning Sharemate
Gut feeling that T 5 Will do something Like suggested. T5 has An asset in Senegal and is looking to raise funding in IPO on back further asset purchase. This reminds me of deal with Amryt where Amryt reversed into Fastnet and bought Two small prÃvate pharma companies. Similar thing could be done with Landsdowne and purchase or Farm in on Providences Assets. Remember seeing Steve Badie of Landsdowne at PVR AGM last Year and he looked Very happy. Last year funds were provided to Landsdowne which staved Off Bankruptcy. Who Would provide money to a Company with debt unless They believed something Good was on the way. T 5 is looking to build a billion dollar company. I doubt there Would be a Big appetite to starting exploration From scratch whether it be in Ãfrica or Ireland. T5 Are Going to but Assets and low risk high potential opportunities I believe. Good News for us I believe !!!!!