For those seeking some detailed insight on Vernalis, here's a recent report (pre-dates the 6 Mar Announcement on Servier collaboration):
I would anticipate on the back of this they are now negotiating an extension of the rig to allow for Drombeg Drill and Newgrange
Any deal is better than no deal.druid could come up bust. We could maybe drill new Grange now too. Cairn is a good solid company. So I am pleased. Now a deal on barryroe would go a long way to restoring faith. We have to get oil flowing. That's the only way to get money coming in and survive. We can't do that without making deals. Even if it means compromising somewhat.
Not exactly a very significant move on SP with this news considering it was exactly what we were all looking for - I wonder how long TOR would have kept this info a secret if his hand had not been forced
Let's face it no one wants Broe! It's all on Druid and Drombeg now
Its a Deal and it shows there are partners willing to engage and its Barryroe or its technical Data Room that got them interested in the first place . Any find going forward will only contribute to growth in SP. The more partners the better and it also dilutes TOR's influence . Soon he will be back in the crèche
It will be about a week before the ship is in the port for repairs, about a week for the repairs and a further week before it starts a new cargo schedule. I could be wrong but lets see.
It looks like our ship will not be back in action for 3 or 4 weeks. Still in anchor outside Tuzla.