Share Discussion Forum

08:17 08/04/2017

i really don't know why everyone is bitching about a lack of share price action. Look at the graph? It shows a perfect uptrend, yet still with a company that has shown NO profit.

11:01 07/04/2017

Apparently none of the major shareholders have sold out or reduced so why not? Anyone got any ideas? I imagine they believe that the market perception will only get better and it will when the Market realises that my previous post is and was always the case.

10:41 07/04/2017

It's a Business Relationship: Apple will choose the Best Product Available at the time. Forget the public Slap-down for IMG and any USA/UK special relationship. It's business and IMG just need to keep their products at the Cutting Edge and well protected and DEFENDED and if they come up with the best available then that is what Apple will wish to use.

09:03 07/04/2017

The trouble is that there is virtually no fluidity volume in the number of shares traded.

09:03 07/04/2017

Welcome to the new Landore Resources stream forum! Messages posted in the Landore Resources stream will be logged here for posterity.

03:02 07/04/2017

HaHa! All you morons missed this. Gold now up $15 overnight and headed higher. CEE broke $3 today and CEY will break GBP2 tomorrow. Idiots!

12:06 06/04/2017

is it possible the arabs will bid e10 a share and fully takeover aminex .in that scenario the true value of the company and the true value of the gas reservoir would never be found out by the ordinary shareholders

11:37 06/04/2017

As far as I know you need to be on the share register on the day they go ex-rights. So if you are a holder and you sell today you will still be entitled to the rights but if you only buy TLW today you won't because you won't be on the share register until T+2 or 2 days time. If you hold TLW shares your broker should send you info in the next few days on how to take up the rights. You usually have 3 options: Do nothing; Take up some of the rights; Take up all of the rights. If you take the 2nd or 3rd option, you then pay your broker for the amount of the rights shares you want to take up at the rights price of 130 p per share in this case. Once the take up is allotted they announce a date the rights shares and ordinary shares are all amalgamated into a new float of outstanding shares. Until then you will see 2 classes of shares for TLW in your account - ord.s and rights shares.

11:31 06/04/2017

jay has joined the arab camp and the rest of the shareholders out in cold . arabs now own 30pc no take over without their say so ,

19:50 05/04/2017

Dear PVR, in the words of the great Monty Python.... Get on with it!
