Eagle appears when share price retraces, also don't understand why he follows when no longer holding. He may have been listened to when it was going south, he's wasting his time now as he's shown his colours and personal agenda.
Day of Positive Thinking is tomorrow as requested By MOR. Maybe We might Get some good News in the comming days !!!!!
The seller keeping it under 60P is C-Amber I am informed. This you probably surmised....
A purchase of 750k shares from a supposed float of 30m without moving the needle - those who continue to suggest there is no liquidity in this stock are ill informed
you will only get information from the bod when the jay and the arabs have finalised how things will proceed . the fact that the shareholders owned the company is irrelevant , when they have decided how they will have the most benefit you will then receive an rns . unfortunately that is how business works in these circumstances .
The pessimistic period is back,the only way for Minoan stock is up,up,up.Forget about the appeal,court's decision will favor Minoan interests since the biggest problem in our country is unemployment,currently around 28%.Given that the decision is positive first thing that comes in my mind is the ''building permit''.It will take 2-3 years to Christopher & friends to get the permit eventhough the investment is characterized as ''fast track''.Yes it's a monastery land and we all know how orthodox priests intervene in social,political & economic life in Greece.I think the contract with the monastery is for 50years,so we have another 25years left and the monks did not get a penny yet.On the other hand i see no institutional interests in the stock.Therefore I strongly believe in 30p/share easily by summer 2017,some lucky will get massive returns.Personally I am sure that positive operational results,if any,will come after 5-7 years from now.Market cap at that time may be close to 250m if everything works in favour of Minoan.
I agree that we will not see full upside if Druid is a success because of a lack of confidence in ability to take to next stage. That said Druid would validate a much bigger area of interest than BROE and would offer significant economies to majors in the area - so we should see decent upside.
The issue is this regards the future price of this share. If a deal with broe is not completed by the time Druid is drilled, even if there is a large find in druid, this stock will splutter and not reach its potential. The reason being, very few will believe tor can follow through when there is a find. I am, like many others, invested here for a long time, and have been burned more than once. I will be empyting my bucket when positive druid news hopefully comes. But again Here's Hoping.
Could some one please explain to me where the talk of a "frugal Partner" has come from?
Somone with inside info using the end of year statement as an excuse for buying?