Pitiful, absolutely pitiful that this is now below the price before the Tjate license announcement - I know I sound like a broken record but come on, this is just ridiculous. This really should be gaining traction now and moving up not backwards. How much progress does one company have to make to get noticed by the wider market and not just the private investor brigade. Feeling frustrated today - have you gathered this?
Morning Sharemate TOR made a mess of things at times but Jimmy has An agenda and that is clear to See
I would say its100% that the man at fault is the Great leader he lied to us innumerable times about meeting deadlines which is still elusive but I dont want someone to put salt on the wound especially about technicalities. If you could see Jimmy has talked about so many which wasnt in public domain initially where did he get unless he has connections with would be farm in partner. Those type of comments is equally no good to shareholders especially drumming same comments on possible occasion.
@TopTradersADVFN #QFI Massive news m8 boom 🔥💥World's Dirtiest Fuel Seen Holding Out Even as Ships Clean Up [link] …
The man at fault here is not Jimmy, it's our Dear Leader who has consistently failed to meet expectations and succeeded in destroying shareholder value
The bestway to acheive in such situations is to drip feed negativity to keep away would be farmout folks. I wish if you keep quiet for a year
Jimmy, you are from an oil Industry who has connections with the companies, if you see Barryroe as a lame duck whats making you drum it for so long you are gaining someway. Oil market is in bad shape for morethan 3 years now and few companies with resources went bankrupt as none of the companies are willing to let go of cash or there own debt situation is bad and paying huge amounts as interestsin low oil prices. The best way for some is to let go stooges for drumming and make a killing. I bet with your knowledge in oil industry you can comment atleast few more oiler but your focus is pvr which is obvious.
This was over 3 quid just a few years ago!!
HUCK dont waste time typing - but it - must have won a clean up contract !!