Share Discussion Forum

10:41 16/05/2017

RUMOURED ORDERS buy limits in place - Nice start to the day, could the contract rumours be true?! [link]

10:21 16/05/2017

Believe T5 Going to be involved. They May do a reverse takeover of LOGP and thereafter partner PVR On Barryroe amongst other things.

09:35 16/05/2017

Andy01 - if you are still around this is looking good again and you should have new shares in a new company soon

16:26 15/05/2017

Doesn't sound like a guy who'd join a company which is about to go bust tho...

14:10 15/05/2017
13:50 15/05/2017

Great appointment, share price, again, a disappointment. Maybe tomorrow

12:27 15/05/2017

SP ambivalent to news yet again

11:45 15/05/2017

Interesting that Chairman And not TOR made announcement. Don't Believe Barryroe Dead in Water. Think something brewing with T5. Would be nice To See T5 reverse into LOGP and Partner Providence On Barryroe. Believe We Will See announcement shortly on Mfdev regarding Marginal Providence Fields.

10:22 15/05/2017

over hyped over bought bound to go back down quickly

10:22 15/05/2017

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