Just read the Phoenix article, and goes over the history of Providence, which is hard reading and worse the the share holders that have lived through it to put it mildly. I had forgotten that when they had the last fund raiser they issued ten million shares to Melody and 38 million shares to the broker, Cenkos Securities. I wonder have have being selling their shares? Anyway to end on a better note, according to the Phoenix, Providence is now valued at 110 million euros at a share price of 19 cent. Assuming costs of about $30 a barrel, this would leave the Druid licence ( where Providence has 56%), with a possible net value of $10 billion - nearly 100 times the value of the company today. We have being following the dream for years now, so I hope for all our sakes that this drill works out.
Hi idg69 I emailed CB yesterday with my concerns over the share price and i also asked him when the next webcast would be.Not expecting a reply. If we dont get news soon i can see this going to 3.50 which is unbeliveable considering all the good news we have had.Tempted to have a top up if it does drop below 4p.
JLP the great unloved share of the moment - the downward trajectory continues. Will we go below 4p? I really did think 2017 could be our year - it's not looking that way at the moment. The BoD don't seem to do any good whether they put out news or stay silent. We really need some big news to get this moving.
Hello All
I have been extremely out of the loop and was wondering on the news of Fortune Oil.
I purchased shares as an 18yr old back in the day and cannot see any list price or determination other than Dynasty Holdings have bought the Co. Can anyone enlighten me...
thanks in adavnce
So many share changing hands and no movement in SP!