Share Discussion Forum

09:47 25/05/2017

Was there any hint as to why the party to the deal backed away?

23:49 24/05/2017

So here we Have Jimmy with no shares using his valuable time to Run down Providence again. Did not take him long to start Bad mouthhing again. Jimmy should Have attended PVR's AGM and presented his views which are based on absolutely nothing but suposition which he himself has just stated in his predictably negative comment. Pat Plunkett says Barryroe is bigger than initially thought and also concurs with Board view that Super Majors are looking at Celtic Sea and Barryroe again. The PVR Board say there is no Issue with compartmentalization. I Believe the Board as do all the Top institutional investors. Jimmy has never explained his interest in PVR. He has Told Us he has no shares. So why does he Have this Providence fetish. Maybe he Will enlighten us as to What is the reason for his ongoing obsessive bad mouthing of PVR

19:37 24/05/2017

Boy - reading below you would be led to believe we are invested a monster - Boards sentiments are not shared by market

18:43 24/05/2017

You are welcome Sharemate

18:42 24/05/2017

Board Also confirmed all major institutions 100 % supportive and none selling stock. Board do look at Bloggers remarks and are unable to respond to erroneous comments as They are barred from doing so by LSE. This lack of a rebutal leads Many to believe negative blogs e.g. Those related to Barryroe compartmentalization. Institutions happy with Pat Plunkett and recent incorporation of McCoss

18:13 24/05/2017

Thanks a ton Spuddy; I expected you or your family members to present at AGM. Thank you again.

17:36 24/05/2017

Was not at meeting but other family members were.

After speaking to most of Board the news appears as follows:

1: Barryroe FO still hoped for with drilling next Year. Super Majors Looking at North Celtic Sea and Providence reexamining Its approach to the basin. Barryroe considerably bigger than initially believed.
2: Another FO of Druid / Drombeg very possible before Spud date. This to give us a free carry on drill for approx: 30% of The prospect.
3: Icemax very efficient. Calculated all in Cost to Providence 18m dollars before Another FO. Board very happy Cairn onboard.
4: Spud date late June. No flaring to be carrried out. Drill and once Oil discovered or not announcement to be made i.e. for Druid and thereafter for Drombeg. Total drill 45 to 60 days. Thus May Have news late July early August on Druid first.
5: Dunquin North. Contains more oil Than originally thought.
6: Dunquin South 3 d seismic to be carried out shortly.
7: Ávalon larger Than Drombeg. Another Company doing seismic survey on Ávalon. Providence do not Know why.
8: Very Big interest in Atlantic margin. Expect Majors to start drilling 2018.
9: Newgrange to be drilled possibly 2018:
10: Barryroe still considered very important and very large.
11: Company cannot comment on bloggers remarks but Comments relating to structural issues with Barryroe untrue. No compartmentalization.

As you all know, the retail stocks have been trading lower since April 2015. At that time, the SPDR S&P Retail (ETF)(NYSEARCA:XRT) was trading around $51.00 a share. Today, the XRT is trading at $40.44 a share. Clearly, traders and investors can see that the trend is now down for the retail sector. The growth and business model of, Inc.(NASDAQ:AMZN) has been the leading catalyst for the decline in most of the leading retail stocks. Amazon stock has soared higher since April 2015. The retail giant has gained over $500.00 in share price since that time. Currently, AMZN stock is trading at $974.00 a share. So far, most leading retail companies have not found a way to combat the Amazon retail invasion.

So does the retail sector have a bottom in place? Believe it or not it does. Traders and investors should continue to look for near term weakness in the XRT until the $38.75 level. This is a level on the charts that is signaling major support and institutional sponsorship. Remember, the market is survival of the fittest, eventually these retail companies must start to adapt to the Amazon business model or face further demise. Traders like myself will now look closer at most of the leading retail stocks when the XRT trades down to the $38.75 level. This should be a good time to look for a bounce in many of these beaten down equities in the retail sector.

Nicholas Santiago

17:02 24/05/2017

What this team can do on the ground from an operational perspective is impressive but they lack the professionalism of a mid cap publicly quoted company. Not so much Leon, he's just uncomfortable in front of a camera. CB sits there with his arms folded in what looks like his own lounge and comes across terribly frustrated as if the share price is not his fault, which I accept isn't all down to him as the junior miners have been decimated over recent years. An institutional investor looking at this webcast isn't going to put his hands in his pockets any time soon. They need to sharpen up their front of house presentations to the markets and be more professional. If they want to be a mid cap company start presenting and acting like one. That said there was some positive stuff in there. Shareholders shouldn't expect any financials in these webcasts, it's never going to happen and they should accept they can only talk about operational stuff and even then not market sensitive stuff. idg69 still holding - over and out!

14:23 24/05/2017

Info from LSE: Today Pat Plunkett confirming Barryroe is bigger than Initial thought and Super majors are visiting. Jimmy you might have tried your best against barryroe and gulp assets for cheap. t
