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15:10 25/05/2017

Please could you tell me where the news button is,many thanks

14:27 25/05/2017

doesn't he have to buy them before august of this year?

14:26 25/05/2017

With a sale, the attractiveness of salary would be significantly diluted by options coming into play

13:36 25/05/2017

I dont beleive Jimmy but dont want to get carried away with management spin. When will they monitise and end the agony. If they are keen in buying shares would have done at 12p but not with options at 45c; they will buy options only if Druid is hit. I would say its wait n watch.

11:26 25/05/2017
10:59 25/05/2017

I would say there is nothing wrong with Barryroe, based on the fact that a couple of companies were very close to putting money on the table to invest. That is as clear as you can get to showing that it is a good field.

10:07 25/05/2017

many thanks Spuddy.

10:05 25/05/2017

Apparently they opted for a larger project or a larger collection of Assets. However now the Majors are examining Celtic Sea and Pvr may look to extend licence área given interest and increase in Barryroe Size estimate. Would not be surprised to See Providence take over Landsdowne and old Fastnet (deep Kinsale, mizen etc) if Druid or Drombeg come up trumps

09:47 25/05/2017

Was there any hint as to why the party to the deal backed away?

23:49 24/05/2017

So here we Have Jimmy with no shares using his valuable time to Run down Providence again. Did not take him long to start Bad mouthhing again. Jimmy should Have attended PVR's AGM and presented his views which are based on absolutely nothing but suposition which he himself has just stated in his predictably negative comment. Pat Plunkett says Barryroe is bigger than initially thought and also concurs with Board view that Super Majors are looking at Celtic Sea and Barryroe again. The PVR Board say there is no Issue with compartmentalization. I Believe the Board as do all the Top institutional investors. Jimmy has never explained his interest in PVR. He has Told Us he has no shares. So why does he Have this Providence fetish. Maybe he Will enlighten us as to What is the reason for his ongoing obsessive bad mouthing of PVR
