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06:11 06/06/2017

CLON Equatorial Guinea: EG Ronda 2016 winners announced at AOP [link] success analysts and watchers. ExxonMobil, Taleveras, Ophir Win E’Guinea Oil Blocks June 6, 20170729 [link] Ejiofor Alike with agency report United States oil giant, ExxonMobil, Nigeria-based Taleveras, UK’s Ophir Energy and Clonterf Energy have been announced winners of Equatorial Guinea’s oil acreages, after the latest licensing bid round held by the central African country. Equatorial Guinea’s Minister of Mines and Hydrocarbons Gabriel Obiag-Lima made this known at a press conference Monday during the African Oil and Gas Conference held in Cape Town, South Africa, saying ExxonMobil has signed a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) with his country for oil acreage EG-11, effectively leading the list of acreage winners during the licensing bid round. UK-based Ophir Energy won the Block EG-24, Taleveras, founded by Mr. Igho Sanomi, picked the highly potential Block EG-07, while Clonterf Energy landed Block EG-18. According to the minister, the country’s 2016 open and competitive bid round was declared a success by industry analysts and watchers.

21:32 05/06/2017

Equatorial Guinea WINNER CLONToday 20:59Equatorial Guinea Ronda Winners Announced at AOP [link] • H.E. Gabriel Mbaga Obiang Lima, Minister of Mines and Hydrocarbons of Equatorial Guinea, announced the winners at the second annual Africa Oil & Power conference on Monday. • Winners included companies that currently operate in the country, such as Ophir Energy, as well as new entrants, including Clontarf Energy and Offshore Equator Plc. • Negotiations on contracts are set to begin June 19, 2017 Cape Town, June 05, 2017 — The seven winners of the EG Rhonda 2016 Licensing Round were announced Monday by H.E. Gabriel Mbaga Obiang Lima, the Minister of Mines and Hydrocarbons of Equatorial Guinea at Africa Oil & Power, one year after the Ronda was initially launched. Out of a total of 23 companies expressing interest in the licensing round since the EG Ronda opened in June 2016 at the inaugural Africa Oil & Power event, 12 companies submitted official bids for the EG Ronda. Of those, just seven companies have advanced to negotiations, which are set to begin June 19, 2017. “Some of the companies are majors, some are minors, but the important thing is that they are companies dedicated and willing to do exploration and that is the thing that needs to be done,” said H.E. Gabriel Mbaga Obiang Lima at the conference. Winners are: • Ophir Energy for Block EG-24 • Offshore Equator PLC for Block EG-23 • Clontarf Energy for Block EG-18 • Elenilto for Block EG-09 • Taleveras for Block EG-07 • Atlas Petroleum and Strategic Fuel Fund for Block EG-10 • ExxonMobil for Block EG-11 (Direct Negotiation) Also Monday, the Minister announced that the government has already signed a new production sharing agreement with ExxonMobil for Block EG-11, which is contiguous to their Zafiro oil field. The closing of the licensing round was extended to April 28, 2017, due to heightened interest from investors. Production Sharing Contracts should be signed by Sept. 15 and ratified before the end of the year. The round included 17 blocks, both offshore and onshore blocks, as well as unexplored acreages. The results come after Equatorial Guinea took the Ronda on a global roadshow to attract international investments, with government officials making stops in London, Singapore and Abu Dhabi. The Ministry also provided extensions of one month to Total and Lukoil to complete discussions on awarding potential licenses. Equatorial Guinea first started producing in 1991, when the Alba field came online, quickly followed by the Zafiro oil field in 1995. Now, the country produces an average of 342,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day. Production Sharing Contracts in Equatorial Guinea can either be awarded via competitive international tender or direct negotiation, with exploratio

21:31 05/06/2017

Equatorial Guinea WINNER CLONToday 20:59Equatorial Guinea Ronda Winners Announced at AOP [link] • H.E. Gabriel Mbaga Obiang Lima, Minister of Mines and Hydrocarbons of Equatorial Guinea, announced the winners at the second annual Africa Oil & Power conference on Monday. • Winners included companies that currently operate in the country, such as Ophir Energy, as well as new entrants, including Clontarf Energy and Offshore Equator Plc. • Negotiations on contracts are set to begin June 19, 2017 Cape Town, June 05, 2017 — The seven winners of the EG Rhonda 2016 Licensing Round were announced Monday by H.E. Gabriel Mbaga Obiang Lima, the Minister of Mines and Hydrocarbons of Equatorial Guinea at Africa Oil & Power, one year after the Ronda was initially launched. Out of a total of 23 companies expressing interest in the licensing round since the EG Ronda opened in June 2016 at the inaugural Africa Oil & Power event, 12 companies submitted official bids for the EG Ronda. Of those, just seven companies have advanced to negotiations, which are set to begin June 19, 2017. “Some of the companies are majors, some are minors, but the important thing is that they are companies dedicated and willing to do exploration and that is the thing that needs to be done,” said H.E. Gabriel Mbaga Obiang Lima at the conference. Winners are: • Ophir Energy for Block EG-24 • Offshore Equator PLC for Block EG-23 • Clontarf Energy for Block EG-18 • Elenilto for Block EG-09 • Taleveras for Block EG-07 • Atlas Petroleum and Strategic Fuel Fund for Block EG-10 • ExxonMobil for Block EG-11 (Direct Negotiation) Also Monday, the Minister announced that the government has already signed a new production sharing agreement with ExxonMobil for Block EG-11, which is contiguous to their Zafiro oil field. The closing of the licensing round was extended to April 28, 2017, due to heightened interest from investors. Production Sharing Contracts should be signed by Sept. 15 and ratified before the end of the year. The round included 17 blocks, both offshore and onshore blocks, as well as unexplored acreages. The results come after Equatorial Guinea took the Ronda on a global roadshow to attract international investments, with government officials making stops in London, Singapore and Abu Dhabi. The Ministry also provided extensions of one month to Total and Lukoil to complete discussions on awarding potential licenses. Equatorial Guinea first started producing in 1991, when the Alba field came online, quickly followed by the Zafiro oil field in 1995. Now, the country produces an average of 342,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day. Production Sharing Contracts in Equatorial Guinea can either be awarded via competitive international tender or direct negotiation, with exploratio

21:31 05/06/2017

Irish junior Clontarf Energy landed Block EG-18. [link] Ophir, Atlas Petroleum win EG acreage Four other companies handed Equatorial Guinea blocks, after ExxonMobil signs new PSC UK player Ophir Energy headed the list of acreage winners in Equatorial Guinea’s latest licensing round that was dominated by smaller players. The London-based company won Block EG-24 in the West African nation’s Ronda 2016 round, with all winners revealed by Equatorial Guinea’s Minister of Mines and Hydrocarbons Gabriel Mbaga Obiang Lima on Monday. Nigerian pair Taleveras and Atlas Petroleum picked up blocks EG-07 and EG-10, respectively, while Irish junior Clontarf Energy landed Block EG-18. London-based Israeli player

16:59 05/06/2017

Some news in the Irish Independent newspaper today about Ormonde. I would not be too worried about the buyer for Ormonde's product, as I am sure there are other buyers in the market place: [link]

10:05 03/06/2017

anyone have a crystal ball?? best of luck everybody. i hope it comes good for us. one way or another i guess i won't be monitoring this board anymore if there is a find or if there isn't a find. and that will be no bad thing!

16:05 01/06/2017

SP movement is inexplicable in my opinion, and very concerning - another margin call paid!

15:15 01/06/2017

#CLONTARF ENERGY #CLON JV WITH EXXON coming on a new licence in Nigeria RERATING ON THE WAY [link]

15:08 01/06/2017

#QFI BIG NEWS BUY BUY BUY [link] … 😉🔥🧐

Institutions who bought at 12p at placing offloading shsres to another investor at An agreed pre-agreed price eg TOR snr or Maybe PVR looking to buy out LOGP with share issue to help clean up Barryroe dealings
