About 18 millions shares they sold in 5 days
I haven't checked my (few) shares for years, what happened in june 2016 to make them shoot up? whatever it was I missed it!
SP back down today - can nothing but oil actually flowing move the needle on this SP?
You are correct trautw, nothing has changed, it's private investors losing patience and moving on. I could have made more money on any number of stocks in the last 6 months than I have with JLP over the last 2 years. I'm not sure about buying more as I'd rather diversify my portfolio than piling too much in to one stock. I wish you well and don't think we'll be disappointed in another 2 years time. JLP will have it's day, I just don't know when.
I dont think they should be paying any bonuses until the company makes a net profit, they already earn too much for a loss making company
Nothing has changed in the fundamentals of Jubilee. I am busy gathering some more cash and think it is a good opertunity to top up.
If I thought this kind of news would only move SP 1p I would have sat on sidelines - unexplainable