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10:45 07/06/2017

Seems that some on This Board do not realize that we are getting a free carry on Druid and Drombeg and we keep I Believe 28 percent. That is excellent. The second Farm out is great news as well

10:22 07/06/2017

Hello Anovas, Dont take Jimmy's comments seriously he has an agenda and my gut feeling he has links with an oil company to pull pvr down; he himself accepted 6 months ago he knows people who attended Barryroe dataroom. He is trying hard to brief Barryroe is lame duck at every possible opportunity; he also coined compartmentalisation and resorvoir thickness etc. Its very bad few years becuase of oil market and pitfalls of management to act decisively; lets look forward hopefully TOR will stear this out afterall he is been paid quite well at our expense. Here hoping...

10:16 07/06/2017

and regardless of what percentage we have left with total and cairn - if it is successfull the well will go into production. and that surely is better that sweet FA.

10:15 07/06/2017

well yes that is true. but at least pvr have a chance of surviving if it comes up bust. we don't have that many options since we have no producing asset. if they had developed barryroe and got some money coming in we could have taken a bigger risk without risking our survival.

10:00 07/06/2017
10:00 07/06/2017
09:59 07/06/2017

there are two deals. one for avalon and one for druid and drombeg.

09:54 07/06/2017

Both Jimmy and Sobeit are always unhappy with whatever TOR comes up with.

09:54 07/06/2017

Think Total might already Have done 3D seismics. At AGM TOR said another company was carrying out seismic survey on Avalon. Probably Total

09:27 07/06/2017

Hello Spuddy, what's your views on Avalon? Does pvr need to pay for 3D etc or only for drill?
