Share Discussion Forum

09:56 27/07/2017

crikey i've only ever been on a ferry. reminds me of the quip "The haves and the have yachts"

21:04 26/07/2017

Derampers saying the share dilution is going to hit the sp tomorrow. Share dilution happened on Monday and will not affect the sp tomorrow.

18:47 26/07/2017

Re: Downtrend over? So you are suggesting that the SP may go up or perhaps may drop... Well isn't that a relavatiion

14:13 26/07/2017

Sobeit this was a fast track farmout in the form of an option - an option is an agreement to buy in at certain price. Price has been agreed and clearly stated in RNS.

13:33 26/07/2017

DJ UK Market Talk Roundup: Shares Gaining Stocks on the rise in the UK today. Compiled by Dow Jones Newswires Markets Desk, [email protected] 11.51 GMT - Goldman Sachs upgrades Sage Group PLC to a 'conviction buy' from 'buy', saying it expects a positive third-quarter update from the software firm next Wednesday. Dealer talk continued on from Wednesday regards possible bids from Akzo Noble and Maersk for clean fuels expert Quadrise Fuels.UK Oil and Gas Plc up 15% on steady volume. Goldman expects Sage to report a 6.4% increase in internally-generated business growth in the quarter versus 5.7% in the first half as the company switches customers to subscriptions and maintains improving renewal rates. "We reiterate our Buy rating on Sage and add the shares to the Conviction List following recent lacklustre performance and a high degree of investor skepticism," the brokerage says. "We also see an attractive valuation." Shares rise 0.4% to 695 pence. ( [email protected] ) 0849 GMT - Shares in Vodafone Group PLC rise 1.4% to 228 pence after the mobile phone operator reported a 3.3% drop in quarterly reported group revenue, but reiterated its full-year earnings outlook. The revenue drop reflected the negative impact of foreign-exchange rate movements and de-consolidation of Vodafone Netherlands. Group service revenue rose 2.2% as Vodafone benefited from growing demand for data, particularly in emerging markets. "Carriers are enjoying something of a boon in emerging market data usage as consumers upgrade mobile phones for smartphones," says Neil Wilson at ETX Capital.( [email protected] ) (END) Contact us in London. [email protected] (END) Dow Jones Newswires July 26, 2017 07:51 ET (11:51 GMT) Copyright (c) 2017 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. COUNTRY: R/E R/EU R/UK R/WEU SECTOR: I/SOF I/XDJGI I/XEX6 I/XFT1 I/XISL SUBJECT: N/ADR N/MK N/DN N/DJI N/CAC N/ALMT N/ANL N/CNW N/DJMT N/DJWI N/ENTR N/STK N/WEI COMPANY: SGE.LN SGPYY GB00B8C303 US78663S2014 PAGE: 1107 SERVICE: P/ABO P/AEI P/AEQIP/EQE P/PSH P/RCC P/SGAN P/SGN P/UKC CURRENCY: M/NND M/TEC M/TPX

10:32 26/07/2017

I wish I'd bought a few UKOG on Monday morning. Come on JLP - 2017 was supposed to be the year it all starts to take off. Bit of a cough and splutter in March and we are now back on the launch pad.

09:09 26/07/2017

#QFI news on the way [link]

10:48 24/07/2017

Looking strong again. Constant drip, drip, drip of misinformation by derampers on other boards.

22:45 21/07/2017

No need for BROE - [link]

15:50 21/07/2017

Mining licence........surely this puts some value on the mining licence for the future [link]
