I should say - A bid offer of up to £3.6 billion (depending on the FOBT report due this Autumn.)
Ladbrokes Coral has a market cap of £2.28 billion, GVC value them at £2.7 billion and make a bid offer of £3.6 billion, only for talks to break down - their shareholders will be seething!
Perhaps Jnr. Just got his Leaving Cert. Results ..... Not enough Points for College I Guess !!!!!!!!
Hi Jimmy , Any Guidance Here on a quick in ~out
Complete fix , I've had a bid in for the past Hrs at Limit .09 & no chance of a purchase
Tedious, half hearted grind upwards in the sp with golds move from $1211 to nearly $1300; now drops like a stone on a $16 pullback in POG! Frustrating.
Exciting news this morning re. the offer for WGP and subsidiaries. $20m is equivalent to c.71p per share. The earn out is worth another 35p. And that's excluding that value of THAL's stake in LSR, which is worth another 33.5p at current market prices. Very crudely that raises the SOTP to c. 140p. And that's before taking into account THAL's residual stake in ARL post deal. Plus the 11.5p of cash on balance sheet. Of course nothing is certain until the ink is dry. But it if does go ahead then there is substantial incremental value here. Nice to see the share pop at time of writing of writing above 80p. But there is a lot more to come if this completes...