coal price: per the report: FY2016 Rs 3171/mt, FY2017 Rs3526. but now I see the spot at above Rs5000. that would put the cost of fuel from £63mln in FY2016 to £100mln for Fy18 i.e. £37mln worse. But shouldn't the price of electricity be adjusted for coal anyway?
7.57 am Nothing . It has to be someway positive
As you all know, many of the leading insurance stocks are selling off today after Hurricane Harvey hit Texas. The damage from the storm is unprecedented and the final costs to the insurance companies will not be known for a while. Insurance stocks such as Travelers Companies Inc(NYSE:TRV), Allstate Corp(NYSE:ALL), Progressive Corp(NYSEGR) and others are trading sharply lower during today's trading session.
Travelers Companies Inc(NYSE:TRV) is a leading component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average(DJIA). This stock is weighing on the DJIA today since this index is price cap weighted. Today, TRV stock is trading lower by $3.73 to $122.74 a share. The stock is now approaching its 200-day moving average which will be short term support. Unfortunately, by the time the dust settles on the damage in Texas this stock could actually decline further. Traders should now focus on the $118.00 area as the next major chart support level. This level was defended in April 2017 and will likely be major support again when retested.
Nicholas Santiago
Possible second well. I see on the LSE board that the Ice-Max has moved approximately 1 KM SSW, is this really the position of the maximum peak in the Drombeg reservoir?( I am trying to work this from the seismic data in the PVR end of year report) Does anyone think there could be a second/third drill on the cards? Could this be ordered/arranged at such short notice? ...Hoping for a positive RNS tomorrow GLA who are Long
No good news coming there would have been huge volume friday.. Expect more water
Its possible we haven't hit target dept yet
I understand QFI have just appointed a new scientist.