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15:55 24/08/2017

I understand QFI have just appointed a new scientist.

12:01 24/08/2017
14:22 23/08/2017

I should say - A bid offer of up to £3.6 billion (depending on the FOBT report due this Autumn.)

14:03 23/08/2017

Ladbrokes Coral has a market cap of £2.28 billion, GVC value them at £2.7 billion and make a bid offer of £3.6 billion, only for talks to break down - their shareholders will be seething!

14:53 16/08/2017

Bitcoin Time again

10:23 16/08/2017

Perhaps Jnr. Just got his Leaving Cert. Results ..... Not enough Points for College I Guess !!!!!!!!

09:45 16/08/2017

Hi Jimmy , Any Guidance Here on a quick in ~out

09:32 16/08/2017

Complete fix , I've had a bid in for the past Hrs at Limit .09 & no chance of a purchase

16:35 15/08/2017

Tedious, half hearted grind upwards in the sp with golds move from $1211 to nearly $1300; now drops like a stone on a $16 pullback in POG! Frustrating.

10:02 15/08/2017

Threatening to breakout this morning.
