Was away yesterday and couldn't listen to the webcast live. Just catching up now and it all sounds pretty positive. Tjate isn't going to happen anytime soon though and probably 2-5 years unless they sell it in the meantime.
Hello Spuddy, I saw some snippets on ADVFN from you, my view as below 1. TOR & JOS salary is exorbidant and should be less 100,000 until they turn around the company. 2. It would be ideal TOR to stepdown as CEO and join as part of BOD and allow fresh mantle to takeover and drive through. 3. BOD was just talking and no real value to shareholders this kind of waffle cant continue for long, as we are holding lasr straws, there was so much hype on Druid and Drombeg which was duster, Barryroe they are telling its bigger based on desktop studies. I sincerely hope it to turn out. Meanwhile i will desist from comments as it might suck out innocent folks, so far whoever invested in this are burnt out.
What makes you think no LONO is required ?
Rumours from what source. Rumours are rumours nothing else
I hope the chuckle brothers don't muck up this live webcast on Tuesday. I'm not convinced they are that good an idea to be honest. They raise more questions than they answer and because of market sensitive information, they can never really say what is going on. They'd be better off spending their time putting out factual and accurate RNS's or engaging a decent PR company to get some news out into the market place (but not Bell Pottinger)
drop today suggests some bad news in the background - any updates from brokers on back of results y'day seem more positive than negative... maybe having trouble recruiting new CEO to replace the soon-departing JMcD?
12:48:39 08-Sep-2017 8.00 250,000 20,000.00 Ordinary Trade - delayed publication
Deepthroat source from ICEMAX the " Gull " tells me its Gas.