Tick tock JLP, keep on ticking up - just a little each day if you please.
TOTAL need to pay about 7million soon after P&A notice within 3 business days, no news on this front. Can TOTAL decide not to pay this money as the well is duster any info?
So what's the latest here? Coking Coal has hit the roof again! Where's our money from the trains, etc.? is it RSM administrators now?
Afternoon Breezy, I agree it was impressive what they had to say. The financials will speak volumes though, and I expect people to sit up and pay attention at that point. 8p would be a real result at the year end and I'd settle for that. When you look at the gains the likes of SOLG have achieved it makes you think that it can be done - let's hope we have our moment in the sun and soon. All the best idg69
I hope oil companies dont abandon the porcupine wwhere all the large structures are they drilled 4000 wells inscottish waters and 2000 in norwegian waterd and only 160 in irish watersaa
I hope the oil companies don't abandon the porv
Hi idg69 I have just finished listening to the webcast and i must admit it was very impressive and now i feel very confident about the future of jlp.If we do get good financials i think jlp will re rate and we could see the share price hit 7 to 8p by the year end. Exciting times ahead and lets hope jlp make us shareholders very rich.
Finished listening to yesterdays webcast. I wish a few institutional investors would put JLP on their radar as this would drum up some wider interest. There's no questioning Leon has done a mountain of work over the last 2 years and is continuing at a fair pace to bring more revenue streams in to play. I'm happier now to just watch this tick up gradually from here on. I'm not a fan of big spikes, they attract the quick buck merchants and I don't think this is what JLP are about. Fingers crossed for some good financials when they are eventually released to the markets.
Was away yesterday and couldn't listen to the webcast live. Just catching up now and it all sounds pretty positive. Tjate isn't going to happen anytime soon though and probably 2-5 years unless they sell it in the meantime.
Hello Spuddy, I saw some snippets on ADVFN from you, my view as below 1. TOR & JOS salary is exorbidant and should be less 100,000 until they turn around the company. 2. It would be ideal TOR to stepdown as CEO and join as part of BOD and allow fresh mantle to takeover and drive through. 3. BOD was just talking and no real value to shareholders this kind of waffle cant continue for long, as we are holding lasr straws, there was so much hype on Druid and Drombeg which was duster, Barryroe they are telling its bigger based on desktop studies. I sincerely hope it to turn out. Meanwhile i will desist from comments as it might suck out innocent folks, so far whoever invested in this are burnt out.