With G&A stated as US$5m it's more plausable the figure is nearer US19M if you then take away from the US$7.6M tied up in bank guarentees the figure of US $22M looks to be well off.
Is the balance at Chariot rally as good as is being touted - It states on the last presentation US $22M but this figure is well out of date as it is frm June
Releasing the financials certainly hasn't lit a bonfire under this share. Looks like we might have to sit this one out well in to next year to see what the next round of results bring. Trautw did doubt the full year results would trigger a rise and he was right.
Evening Breezy, The AFC profit will pay for Christmas this year and take the sting out of the holiday period. The capital went back in to average down on RKH which is looking like a good move as I'm now back in profit on RKH for the first time this year. Struggling to know what to do with JLP though, do we hold and just see what becomes of 2018 or cut and run with 50% profit and move on? difficult call having held for so long whilst the groundwork was done to then lose out on the big bucks when the boat comes in.
I am not expecting any significant news for 6 to 9 months.