Kindly contact for genuine inquiries and I can provide you with the needed information. Contact Through
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I've been here since the barryroe oil discovery was first made, back then the sp traded at 7 pounds plus. With a ten fold in shares issued since, could 70p be a realistic target once again?
Very encouraging news to hear about someone being interested in Barryroe. I would lock the door of the data room now, in case they decide to leave.
The Daily Telegraph, citing Reuters, reports that Renova has disposed of its 22% stake.
SOLG's last RNS on the subject of MRE was that it was due before the end of last week. This management team does not seem to take their own deadlines seriously enough.
The only good thing about Trump's tax plan from our point of view, is that U.S Oil Companies can write off any new equipment they buy against their tax, as well of course as the lower capital gains. Plenty of money then hopefully to invest in some oil fields on this side of the water.
I am not expecting an RNS this week.I expect an RNS early Jan 18 stating the KSA trial has now started etc etc
THE TELEGRAPH The most-bought shares of 2017 #UKOG #UK #Oil & #Gas #Investments BY Laura Suter 23 DECEMBER 2017 • 7:45AM [link]