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11:42 19/12/2017

QFI now have only 6 working days to lodge the RNS if they are going to keep to the statement made at the AGM

10:52 19/12/2017

Pleased to read that Zuma has/will be superceded sometime soon. This could be just the shot in the arm South Africa needs to move forward. Let's hope the world takes notice and we see some investment in up and coming South African businesses.

14:11 15/12/2017

It's also risky to wait for the company as a failed drill will make a farmout so very cheap and the drill has a 14 CoS !! IT'S GOOD TO LOOK A BOTH SIDES AND NOT BE BLINKERED

10:41 12/12/2017

Samo1337 - I am not aware of any deal with Glencore - unless I have missed an RNS which I don't think I have. It's probably just conjecture on the part of someone on the bulletin boards. Would be good if they could do some sort of JV, might lift the shareprice out of the doldrums.

10:37 12/12/2017

Wow - we nearly hit 3p this morning. I'd hold off Jaja it could go sub 3p which you could never have imagined back in March this year. This is getting too close to my 2.9p average for comfort. We need to stay brave!

10:35 12/12/2017

morning, does anyone have an update on this supposed glencore deal? i see it posted in varioous places on the net but nothing on here.....cs

10:35 12/12/2017

morning, does anyone have an update on this supposed glencore deal? i see it posted in varioous places on the net but nothing on here.....

10:35 12/12/2017

morning, does anyone have an update on this supposed glencore deal? i see it posted in varioous places on the net but nothing on here.....

08:36 12/12/2017

Where is Brummel nowadays. Miss his posts

01:10 12/12/2017

am buying more tomorrow. we are way too cheap. NEWS soon on Hernic
