Should see the SP at 5p to 6p by the end of the week.
When the KSA trial is announced please note all the congratulations should go to Jason Miles and not Captain Kirk. Kirk is just the spokesman where Jason Miles is the man completing the projects.
I registered purely to support the reinstatement of ToT - been reading his knowledgable posts for a long time and always valued them for a mixture of balance, fact and promoting discussion.
If not shorters responsible for the big drop then i cant make sense of it. Maybe just stop losses being triggered, Also maybe a possible dividend cut is being priced in.
What a damp start to 2018 with this share. Pretty uninspiring in the grand scheme of things. I'm tempted to have a little top up whilst it languishes at this level.
That 500k sell at 7.65p will drag the SP down chaps.
As we all know without the promised news by Captain Kirk this will drift back down to 4-5p.
Thanks to all for some entertaining reading. It's fascinating to see the different philosophies of the "investors" and the "speculators." Winning Streak. You said "in this game... losses are likely to exceed gains for the average private punter". It's not just private punters. Most hedge funds also struggle to make adequate returns with these strategies. And that's because (having insider information aside) it's just so freaking hard to call ST market movements. Shorters got it right on Carillion. But what about Ocado for example. They've been killed in the recent rally. Now personally I would have said their view on the Ocado story is not without merit. But the market has completely gone against them. Me, I'm in the investor camp. I'm not antagonistic to shorters. In a way I admire the courage. I just find shorting way too stressful and ultimately incompatible with the "investor" mind set - hone in on a great asset, place your chips and wait. As someone said on this board a while back it's like picking pennies in front of a steam roller. You will win... until the day you get flattened. On IQE only time will tell. Shorters ultimately have zero impact on the operational business and hence "value for long term holders". I'm a believer in the story with a LT time horizon. I guess time will tell.