Buy just gone through 588k at 8.5p...that's confidence for you.
Been invested here for over two years now and the share price is getting close to my average. Very disappointing and now i think it is time for Colin to go now as he as is fingers in to many pies.
Its a month now that Captain Kirk misled shareholders by stating the KSA trial would start in 2017.I still cannot get over how he could make such a huge blunder.
15years of "jam tomorrow" its become a pattern LC and CB talk the talk....... We wait, real profits never materialise and then off in another direction requiring further dilution. While this strategy persists the market will not be fooled and the SP is only going one way!
Not for the trial but for what happens afterwards if successful.
Welcome back TOT. Can you be more realistic and not so over optimistic in future posts.
At close tomorrow Captain Kirk will be one month out on when he stated the KSA trial would start. He must be very embarrassed making such a schoolboy error.
Should see the SP at 5p to 6p by the end of the week.