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09:40 01/02/2018

Does anyone have any update on Your Legal Friend claim against Quindell ? or the SFO enquiry? YLF haven't updated since Sept 17 - at this rate we'll be dead & buried before any conclusion!

05:47 01/02/2018

Exactly, starting to sound like a used car salesman. No more BS, we need honest, constructive updates, progress reports, projections on: Australia, Kabwe, Tjate future plans, clarity on Hernic and Platcro. Secondly, why has it now been suggested that we require a rise in the pm basket price for our "jam tomorrow" I was always under the impression that was one of JLP strengths ie the more cost effective processing of tailings as apposed to traditional mining?

16:22 31/01/2018

Haven't we heard this before?...... Doesn't look like the market is buying it this time!

14:30 31/01/2018

We can speculate about the figures day in and day out. Fact is, unless management change the manner in which they communicate with their shareholders and start turning all the talk into cash in the bank, this SP is going one way. The market will punish a lack of sound management.

12:28 31/01/2018

Buy just gone through 588k at 8.5p...that's confidence for you.

11:26 31/01/2018

Been invested here for over two years now and the share price is getting close to my average. Very disappointing and now i think it is time for Colin to go now as he as is fingers in to many pies.

11:01 31/01/2018

Its a month now that Captain Kirk misled shareholders by stating the KSA trial would start in 2017.I still cannot get over how he could make such a huge blunder.

07:37 31/01/2018

15years of "jam tomorrow" its become a pattern LC and CB talk the talk....... We wait, real profits never materialise and then off in another direction requiring further dilution. While this strategy persists the market will not be fooled and the SP is only going one way!

17:55 30/01/2018

Not for the trial but for what happens afterwards if successful.

17:03 30/01/2018 don't need much advise from lawyers for a trial.
