...... Management start to listen to some of the advice on these Bb's
The market will punish this share SP unless
Morning Breezy, I missed the webcast this morning but I'm not sure they're that good an idea and never really effect the share price. LC always looks uncomfortable despite being very knowledgeable and CB just lacks credibility and comes across a bit second hand car salesman to me. I'm leaving my JLP holding as is despite any short term drops. I sold RKH at 27.2p pretty much at the top of it's little rise and made £500. I've taken my £5,500 cash and I'm just sitting on it whilst the markets decide what to do.
Quiet here..maybe most have dumped their shares. I'm a long term investor and don't see a reason to take losses, its not another Carillion so don't know why the price has suffered so badly but I'm still holding for the generous dividend and eventuall sp north of 15. Only wish they'd consider selling off the construction part of the the business. Even their ambitious target of over 2% margins on it are poor and might not be achievable. I want them to keep their focus on reducing debt and increasing the dividend cover to x 2 then the sp will fly.
9. Ordinary Resolution 7
In accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules this resolution must now be passed to allow the Company to use
electronic forms of communication. Your Board is proposing that they should be given authority to supply documents and
make information to members available on a website. Before the Company can communicate with a member by means of
website communication, the relevant member must be asked individually to agree that the Company may send or supply
documents or information to him by means of a website. The Company must either have received a positive response or have
received no response within the period of 28 days beginning with the date on which the request was sent. Shareholders can
complete the form enclosed with this Notice and return to the Company at the address indicated on the form. The Company
will notify the member (either in writing, or by other permitted means) when a relevant document or information is placed on
the website and a member can always request a hard copy version of the document or information. Breezy,what do you make of this?
Hi idg69 Hope you are well. And as for jlp i thought 2017 was a great year but unfortunately this is not reflected in the share price. The market does not trust Colin and neither do i and i think most shareholders would like him to go.The dilution is killing the share price and it would not surprise me if we see more Dilution as Colin is very good at this. Good to see RKH doing well. All the best breezy.
LC may be doing good work on the ground but he also talks the talk from the podcast Leon ..... "and of course we are fully funded and so we won't be coming to the markets to execute our projects." the market will not continue to buy this BS