Share Discussion Forum

20:36 06/03/2018

Sold about 25% of mine @ 34 as planning to hold SKG long-term but had target of around 33 to slice some off the top. Price is out in RNS this eve. from Intl. Paper who claim it amounts to €36.46 per share but only €22 of it is in cash and the rest in Intl. Paper shares...think it would be a lot more attractive with a larger cash component but still Smurfit board are facing it down... you would wonder what it would take for them to recommend... Obviously hostile approach from the tone of the Intl. Paper RNS. Either way, v. happy with getting €34 for a tranch of them and will buy back in if it drops back below €30 again in the event improved bid doesn't materialize... at least now we know what other people thing of SKG's potential/valuation.

14:58 06/03/2018

Are you all aware the Akzo Nobel new chairman is from Maersk ?

13:53 06/03/2018

TOR = Wenger

12:49 06/03/2018

I wouldn't be holding my breath.... Month or so, year or so, it just seems to never happen with this company

12:27 06/03/2018

Excellent bounce today on news of bid $$$ ...fair play to DAVY - they have consistently said SKG was undervalued and price seems to have moved up to around where they said it should be on the bid news. Wonder what value the offer put on the shares???

11:08 06/03/2018

No chance Tot of QFI being mentioned.

10:03 06/03/2018

I agree aces and eights

08:27 06/03/2018

...Theres no point in hiding problems. The truth will out sooner or later so why not be honest and up front about it.

08:24 06/03/2018

I guess we'll find out soon enough how much that will cost. Don't see it as part of the recent problems and I guess beyond the control of the present board. Last thing we need now is more bad sentiment. I hope they've already made provisions in the present fund raising. I'm still positive about the future of the company but we can't keep having problems. We need continued good news now for a couple of years for the share price to recover. I think better communication to investors (all investors, not just the big institutional ones) would be good. There's nompoint in hiding problems

23:01 05/03/2018

Cruel to be be arrogant! Doesn't hurt to be helpful to others does it
