This share price and the weather are really getting me down. Wiseguy - what' your exposure to JLP, are you in deep? and how long have you been invested. I've been here 3 years now having started buying at 1.5p. I got giddy and averaged 'up' to 2.92 when things got interesting. I'm patient but fed up now as I'd like to see some profit. Was happy to sit this out whilst the price was stable above the 4p mark, but this latest BMR debacle is an avoidable mess. The due diligence was woeful.
It's become a repetitive pattern over the last 15 years. Management talk the talk, then a string of reckless decisions but nothing ever materialises into the profits that have been suggested and certainly never any substantial upsides for us long standing shareholders. Sorry but management has turned me from a believer into a sceptic. Will also hold in the hope of being proven wrong on this one.
Only 1 RNS in the short term regarding the trial thena further RNS in March for the results.
No large pension "deficit" i meant to say.
Margins in construction are unsustainably low, thats why so much debt for the big companies. Galli price has collapsed mainly because of Carrillion effect and others now struggling with debt plus their own past poor judgement in construction division but with their relatively low debt and no large pension surplus plus other divisions doing well, if they keep their discipline, they are well placed to take advantage of an increase in margins. Thats why im happy to hold and would be buying more at this price if i had the funds. Just my opinion and time will tell wether im right or horribly wrong.
Maybe because theyre good value now and people will be buying a few up to the divi pay out. Ex div mid March
Missing the connection between Providence being up 8% and and Logp being down 2% as a sign that we are getting close to news on Barryroe. I would have thought that if there is news on Barryroe, Logp would also be pulled up on the coat tails of Providence.
Spot on MW1. Only concern is that to this point management has remained pig headed regarding any input from shareholders. To point that certain decisions have bordered on negligence with our investments ie the current fiasco. So CB can talk about the past is the past but it is actually the present we should be concerned about. PS I'm not saying the BMR deal is a no no but in these situations, facing shareholders and the market is critical.
...sons for optimism if the board pull their fingers out.
Just for the record I bought at £13 just before the Carrillion collapse. My timing was perfect as usual Looks like im stuck with my shares for a good while. Im not as doomy and gloomy as some here though. There are reas